Saudi Arabian travelers lead the way in their desire for in-destination technology, Travelport finds

Riyadh, – : Saudi Arabian travelers are leading global demand for high-tech travel according to the findings of Travelport’s 2019 Global Digital Traveler Research, which surveyed 23,000 people from 20 countries:

  • Three quarters (74%) of Saudi Arabian travelers require concierge services such as local maps and restaurants on their smartphones (60% globally)
  • 71% also prefer in-room technology such as a smart TVs and Bluetooth speakers from accommodation (60% globally)
  • Nearly three quarters (74%) of Saudi Arabian travelers consider it important whether an airline offers a good digital experience when booking a flight
  • Like global peers, 76% of Saudi Arabian travelers prioritize value over cost (86% globally)
  • Customer service was however highlighted as the top priority to travelers in Saudi Arabia (78%)

Technology, however, is not always the answer with two fifths (40%) of Saudi Arabian travelers saying they find not being able to speak to a human frustrating. This is similar to the feedback from global respondents (42%).

 Commenting on the findings of the research, David Gomes, Head of Middle East and Africa, Air Travel Partners, said: “Saudi Arabian travelers want a digitally-savvy travel experience which is as engaging as the experience provided by best retailers. At Travelport, we will continue to accelerate developments in all these areas, and more, to help the industry keep pace with the rapidly evolving needs of the modern traveler.”




