منح مارلوس كنيبينبيرق جائزة سيدة الأعمال لعام 2020 الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة كيرتن للضيافة كان الأختيار الوحيد في قطاع الضيافة

إختارت مجلة سي إي أو توداي مارلوس كنيبينبيرق ، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة كيرتن للضيافة، وهي شركة متخصصة في تشغيل المشاريع متعددة الاستخدام , لجائزة سيدة الأعمال لعام 2020 , وهو الإختيار الوحيد في قطاع الضيافة ,  وتمنح هذه الجائزة العالمية للمدراء التنفيذيين الذين يساهمون في نقل شركاتهم إلى آفاق جديدة. ستقوم كيرتن للضيافة بإستقبال النزلاء […]

Switzerland sets to take part in 2021 Dubai World Expo

Abu Dhabi, – : Due the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of global events are being postponed, including Expo 2020 in Dubai. Following its meeting yesterday, the Federal Council has confirmed Switzerland’s participation in this major event, which will now be held in 2021. In light of this, the council has instructed Presence Switzerland at the […]

ماكدونالدز تُعلن عن وجبتها بأسلوب ذكي يراعي حظر الإعلانات الغذائية في رمضان

ساعة رملية تحسب وقت الإفطار وتُظهِر الوجبات في حملة إعلانية رائعة يُعد شهر رمضان المبارك الوقت الذي يصوم به المسلمون خلال ساعات النهار، وقد بدأ هذا العام ابتداءً من يوم 24 أبريل/نيسان. وككل عام، يُمنع على شركات الأغذية أن تقوم بحملات إعلانية تُظهِر الطعام وذلك مراعاة لمشاعر الصائمين. ولكن على الرغم من ذلك، ابتكرت ماكدونالدز […]

McDonald’s Meal Reveal Cleverly Avoids Ramadan Food Ad Ban

Hourglass counts down when meals are available again in enticing campaign Ramadan, the holy month of fasting during the daily hours, starts on the 24th of April. This begins a month where food companies must abstain from showing food in their ads to avoid temptation during fasting. Despite this,  McDonald’s Saudi Arabia have created a […]

In Holy Month of Ramadan, TikTok brings Saudis together

RIYADH — The Holy Month of Ramadan is going to be different this year for Saudis as everyone is staying at home. Embracing the new lifestyle changes, TikTok, the leading destination for short-form videos, acknowledges that while Saudis are physically distanced, they are socially together and are always creating a sense of bonding, special connection and […]

COVID-19, Oil Spat Shock Hotel Profit in the Middle East

London, – Measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus in the Middle East were amped up in March, but did little to limit the damage done to the region’s hotel industry, which was simultaneously thumped by an oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, which required international intervention. The combination reflected in the bleak […]

Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Project reveals location of overwater villas, hotels

RIYADH — The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC), the developer behind one of the world’s most ambitious tourism projects, has shared details of an activity to identify the location of its overwater assets around four key islands at the destination. The activity will inform the positioning of overwater assets, including villas, restaurants and hotel arrival points […]

Marloes Knippenberg given Business Woman of the Year Award 2020

JEDDAH — Marloes Knippenberg, CEO of Kerten Hospitality, specialist-mixed use operator, has been awarded by CEO Today 2020 Business Woman of the Year Award. Marloes is the only leader from the hospitality industry who has been recognized with this global award given to CEOs who have demonstrated expertise in taking their organizations to new heights. Kerten […]

Oman Air continues cargo-only flights to serve the Sultanate

Oman Air, the national carrier of the Sultanate of Oman, continues to serve the nation and its valued cargo customers with 8 chartered cargo-only round-trip flights in April. The airline has flown a total of 5 round-trip flights to the Indian cities of Mumbai and Kochi to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to Oman, along […]