Tiffany Biscuits distributes half a million packets in partnership with UAE Food Bank Dubai and CSR UAE

#StrongerTogether initiative aims to give back to the community

Dubai, UAE: The world is looking a little different at the moment with precautions such as social distancing in place to keep us safe and healthy. One thing, however, that has not changed is our ability to share positivity and care for our community. Tiffany Biscuits’ campaign of “TiffanyTogether #StrongerTogether is one such effort to bring forth dedication to our community.  Tiffany Biscuits has partnered with the UAE Food Bank and CSR UAE to distribute 500,000 Tiffany Glucose Biscuits to the very needy people around in the country mainly to the families and the workers who are doing the sanitization job in the streets every night on this unconditional situation.

The ongoing effort with the two entities is part of Tiffany biscuits’ efforts to bring people together over this globally challenging time to combat the effects that COVID-19 is having on us all. The social media campaign provides a platform to send out good vibes and share smiles to help keep everyone positive during this difficult time.  The distribution of 500,000 Tiffany glucose packets of goodness helps those in need to receive the very best form of readily available and instant source energy.

Partnering with CSR UAE and UAE Food Bank, two of the Emirates most respected charities, was the most effective way to ensure the half million packets reach those most in need. Nuha Al Harmoudi, Director at CSR UAE Fund spoke of the partnership “ All CSR projects listed on the platform are based on the priorities defined by the UAE Ministries and government entities and are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. We thank Tiffany Biscuits for their contribution during these critical times”.

UAE Food Bank, Food Safety Director Ms. Iman Ali Al Bastaki commented on the partnership; ‘’The main aim of UAE Food Bank initiative is to feed the needy people around the country without any food wastage particularly in this unpleasant situation and partnering with Tiffany and IFFCO will help effectively reaching out to those in need and help us in giving back to our community and country.’’

The partnership and distribution of the 500,000 packets will take place over a course of eight weeks. Tiffany Glucose biscuits which are produced in the Emirates have long been considered a heritage brand of the UAE, whose ethos are built on community, trust and best quality and during these unprecedented times, it continues to give back to the community.



