Indulge in a Magical Festive Season in The Lake Geneva Region

Dubai-: Festive holidays in the Lake Geneva Region promise to be an exceptional experience for city and adventure lovers alike. This beautiful region is located in the heart of Europe making it easily accessible to tourists from Geneva International Airport, which is only a 40 minutes train ride away from Lausanne.

During the weeks leading up to the festive season, the city of Lausanne comes alive with the Festival of Lights. Lausanne is brightly lit for over a month from November to the end of December by the contemporary works of about fifteen artists whose sculptures aren’t made of stone but light. Visitors can delight in these unique sculptures by taking a leisurely walk through the streets of the city centre and the old town to soak up the mystical atmosphere of the Olympic capital.

Bô Noël is an exceptional festive market in Lausanne that combines tradition with innovation. During the entire Advent period, a whole series of gourmet and festive novelties are planned in three thematic markets – Saint-François, Pépinet and the Arches of the Grand-Pont. From attractions for children and music concerts to shopping and gastronomic experiences, there is something for everyone.

When it comes to nightlife, Lausanne hosts a wide range of entertainment, from comedy and cabaret to karaoke to improv. The city boasts a range of cultural attractions for history and art lovers. Tourists can fill up their senses with theatre, dance, music festivals and museums, all aiming to awe visitors vacationing for the first time. Visitors who are keen to delve deeper into the rich historic heritage of the region can discover the city through a host of activities to find out how the artisans keep their knowledge alive with important historic sites.

To add to the holiday feel, the Christmas Market in Montreux also kicks off for over a month, from 21 November to end December. Ranked among the most beautiful in Switzerland, Montreaux’s Christmas market continues to reinvent itself every year. Located on the shores of Lake Geneva, 175 artisans and stallholders working from brightly lit and decorated chalets, showcase a vast array of original souvenirs including local produce, jewellery, sculptures among other artefacts. Cheese lovers can top off this festive experience by having cheese fondue on the shore of Lake Geneva.

Montreux Riviera is also home to the first ski experience with Carte Blanche service. Montreux Riviera Ski School Carte Blanche offers the most personalised skiing experience that exists in Switzerland. The entire experience is arranged, from transport, to equipment, to restaurant booking. The ski instructor is the mountain concierge who takes care of all the details of the skiing holiday. With the exceptional concept of the Carte Blanche service, one has to only choose the resort for the stay and clarify his or her skiing objectives, while all other logistics are taken care of by the professional instructors.

For those who prefer the outdoors, the Lake of Geneva Region provides stunning landscapes and phenomenal mountain ranges of the Alps. Excellent public transport connections from Lausanne, Montreux and Vevey, enable tourists to easily move from the city hubs to the Mountain Resorts. The Lake of Geneva region is ideal for those who would like to have a holiday filled with activities in the mountains with a wonderful city escape shrouded in the magical festive atmosphere of Christmas all in the same region.




